Spilling the Beans

May 31, 2024 | by Marc Cebrian


After weeks of teasing and playing coy, Pastor General David C. Pack finally spilled the beans about exactly when Jesus Christ will return, thus proving to all the mocking naysayer enemy attackers who has God’s ear after all.

But not quite yet.

The resident false apostle of The Restored Church of God really knew how to dangle that taunting carrot on the stick when everyone knew he would eventually flash his prophetic boobies just to see the thrill in their eyes.

At first, he came on pretty strong during "The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 512)" on May 11, 2024.

Flashback Part 512 – May 11, 2024
@ 07:25 But I know when the Seven Year Kingdom begins. The very day. Absolutely. I know it…

@ 07:47 I’ve got 50 proofs of when this happens. I absolutely know and know that I know and know that I know that I know.

@ 1:40:19 I'll just say one last time and and nobody gonna get it out of me. I know the date this comes. It’s impossible that it’s wrong. Impossible.

It was very…suspicious…when he held it back. When Dave typically does this, you find out later he was uncertain or just changed his mind entirely. This deceptive stalling tactic becomes less effective each time he leans on it.

True to form one week later, during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 513)” on May 18, 2024, David C. Pack doubled down on his prophetic assertions and teased the answer was coming. With a twist. Oh, boy.


Part 513 – May 18, 2024
@ 00:22 I told ya that I know the date, and I’m three times more certain of it than I was when I told you it was impossible that it was wrong.

@ 48:50 But, you can’t know anything until you know when the First Kingdom starts. So, that’s what we need to talk about. Now, I want you to stay with me because this is gonna take quite a twist. It’s gonna take an unexpected and very powerful twist at the end. You can't anticipate it. But I want to explain something to you because what we're gonna do illustrates a lot of our challenges.

@ 49:18 We’ve gotta revisit when do the Seven Years start? I told you a week ago, I wuddn’t sure I should get into this. Now I know I have to… And we’re gonna start it tonight. I can now answer when it begins, but I wanna repeat an unexpected, powerful twist arrives at the end tonight. Stay with me.

David C. Pack drags The Restored Church of God through 80 minutes of suffering, wasting their Sabbath away and still not telling them the date. Instead, he does a bait-and-switch by presenting a 40-point list proving Jesus Christ will return on Trumpets. The twist was a biblical middle finger for his audience.

@ 50:49 But, I want you to see how easy it is to prove it’s Trumpets in the Bible.

David C. Pack spends the next 27 minutes teaching 40 points from his list. In the end, the list was declared as not actually proving anything.

@ 1:17:50 That’s a powerful list. But, you’re saying to yourself, “It’s 19 ½ more weeks to go. What?” God waited eight years and eight months from the start of the Series from September of 2015 to reveal the correct Seven-Year Kingdom date now?

@ 1:18:24 Last week, we saw in detail (and I alluded to this a moment ago) the enormous of chal–challenge of what the Seven Year Kingdom is, that it looks better than the Kingdom of God. We eventually saw it’s not the Kingdom of God. But, oh, does it look like it.

@ 1:19:38 Could Trumpets be the same? Instead of Trumpets, is there an entirely different way of looking at the mysterious date we’re waiting for? I have 133 points (some of them strong enough by themself) that say Yes. [laughs] And, unlike Trumpets, they're impossible to overturn. Impossible to overturn. But it illustrates the difficulty of the Series.

This futile exercise demonstrated to the disgruntled membership how hard prophecy is to figure out. That is why men must be Spirit-led and inspired by the True God. True prophets, true apostles, and true teachers do not struggle like this. That subtle detail is lost on David C. Pack and the hireling enablers at Headquarters.

David C. Pack does not realize how his own words invalidate himself. He perfectly demonstrates how no list he ever creates actually proves anything in 3…2...1…

@ 1:20:04 I just proved it's Trumpets, and there's no way it's Trumpets any more than the Seven Years is the Kingdom of God. It illustrates how hard this is. ‘Cause I know some of you, your hearts sank, “Mr. Pack, we’re goin’ back to Trumpets again?”

@ 1:20:30 It is not Trumpets. One of the great, truly great Bible stories comes next. It's so big and so powerful, I can't even do it in the next Sabbath…

@ 1:20:49 In the meantime, stay close to God. Meet all the requirements to go first and be ready. We'll be back next Sabbath, and I’ll tell you why we’re not waiting till October 3rd. Good night.

That was it. That was Part 513. A pure vanity exercise that allowed Dave to procrastinate a bit longer so that the dull-eared among the brethren would not notice that he changed his tune. He switched the beans on them and most probably never noticed.

After toying with the hearts of his eager worshippers, David C. Pack finally spilled the beans on when Jesus Christ would return.

Part 514 – May 25, 2024
@ 00:16 Okay. When do the Seven Years begin? We've been talking about it and sort of at it, around it a little bit for the last two weeks. But when do they begin?

It was a secret for weeks—but no longer.

Jesus Christ Will Return on Sivan 1!
Or Maybe Pentecost.
(June 7! Or maybe June 16.)

Sivan 1 begins at 8:56 PM ET on June 6
Pentecost begins at 9:01 PM ET on June 15
Take your pick.

Is that trumpet giving an uncertain sound? Yes. Yes, it is. For all his bravado, Dave falls short of nailing it down because prophecy is just so darn hard to figure out. But, on the bright side, he has more lists to wave.

David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God holds up another pointless list.

During Part 513, David C. Pack used his potent list to prove Jesus Christ would return on the Feast of Trumpets to make a point He will not return on the Feast of Trumpets.

During Part 514 the next week, he performed a similar gimmick with his fascinating points leading to “impossible it’s wrong” Sivan 1. Or, so we thought.

Part 514 – May 25, 2024
@ 06:26 About three weeks ago, I created a document which I called “Sivan 1.” And a lotta points on it. About 60 different points that pointed to that (no pun intended), but they pointed to to Sivan.


@ 20:27 I’m just tryin' to give you easy stuff, so we're thinkin’ Spring. You know it can’t be too long because I’m near the end of the Series. I have very little left to go. I certainly don’t have enough material to get us to Trumpets.

@ 32:51 It could easily be saying right before Sivan, right before Sivan 1 at sundown (‘cause He would come to us a little before that), He’s gonna come back same Jesus, same way, same time.

@ 36:47 …then it’s telling you that judges and counselors judges and counselors (now, this is important) were appointed on Sivan 1.

@ 38:49 And I’m telling you, it’s impossible to argue with Sivan 1. That’s why it became so important for me…I need to know, are we looking at Christ ascended to heaven for the only time He will ever do that right before Sivan 1?

While making his case for Sivan 1, Dave leaves a trail of beans leading brethren away from the specific day he adamantly asserted.

@ 45:34 God does things in Spring. So, all of this is pointing away from not just Trumpets but any other month other than Sivan 1.

@ 54:10 But, we’d been keeping New Moons. Why have we been keeping ‘em? Well, the answer is pretty obvious now. We’ve kept seven because we’re watching for one. We’ve been trained for a little over half a year to watch for a New Moon.

Wow. The case for Jesus Christ returning on Sivan 1 is pretty solid, right?


Instead of ending the blathering Bible study after 55 minutes and settling on Sivan 1, Dave had to toss some wiggle worms into the can of prophetic beans. My observation he was actually stalling proved correct again.

@ 55:10 But I began to be suspicious of something else, and I don’t know if I’m right or wrong. But I’m gonna lay it out to you.

Dave may not know if he is right or wrong, but everyone else already has the correct answer. He is wrong and will always be wrong. It is impossible for him to get anything prophetic right. He is a professional moron. The perpetual Bible student who never produces anything real. The inept prophecy hobbyist too dumb to realize when he stuck his foot in his mouth.

It is disturbing that he knows what he is about to teach is self-indulgent presumption but pushes forward anyway. If there is a slight, outside chance Dave might be right about something, he is compelled to get in front of it to claim the premature glory. What a misery it would be for him to be finally right about something prophetic and realize too late he lacked the courage to shout it in the streets.

He throws more darts on the prophetic guessing board to see if one finally sticks.

Given his documented track record, why should anyone in The Restored Church of Another god entertain the smallest notion of anything he says next?

@ 55:16 And, and it'll just be whatever it is.

Whatever it is? It is a waste of time. That is what it always proves to be.

Instead of giving the brethren at Headquarters thirty more minutes of their Sabbath back to go do anything else, David C. Pack makes them sit in their chairs to force-feed them biblical fantasy.

@ 55:46 And I I feel compelled to to lay this out for the balance of the of the time. But, it’s it’s fascinating. If if nothing else, what I’m gonna tell you, I mean, confirms in one of the most powerful ways that WE have this right.

David C. Pack hides what he previously said and hopes to speak past it so that only a few brethren paying attention would notice.

@ 56:04 We have the right time of year. But in a in a in a wuh–with a twist. I told you were gonna get into the subject of Trumpets, and there was a twist like here's the twist: it iddn’t Trumpets. That’s a pretty big twist. But, anyway, here we are with a with a kind of a twist.

David C. Pack suffers from a confused, twisted mind. On top of that, the man is a certified liar. He will prove that anyone who cares to listen in 3…2…1…

@ 1:13:42 I told you I knew exactly when this was, and that's true. I know it’s in Spring. But I will I will just tell you, if you wanna know where I am, I’m dead down the middle 50/50 whether we’ve got a 12-day wait or 21 minus some hours. I’m dead down the middle.


Knowing the season is not even close to what he bragged the past few weeks.

Flashback Part 512 – May 11, 2024
@ 07:25 But I know when the Seven-Year Kingdom begins. The very day. Absolutely. I know it…

@ 07:47 I’ve got 50 proofs of when this happens. I absolutely know and know that I know and know that I know that I know.

@ 1:24:30 If God wants me to, I’ll tell you the day it comes. This First Kingdom. ‘Cause I know absolutely as certain as I know my own name.

@ 1:40:19 I'll just say one last time and and nobody gonna get it out of me. I know the date this comes. It’s impossible that it’s wrong. Impossible.

@ 1:41:57 If God wants me to tell you the date …If He wants me to, I’ll tell you.

@ 1:42:58 I always told you when I had the wrong date. Now I know I’ve got the right one. But I’m not gonna do it.

Flashback Part 513 – May 18, 2024
@ 00:22 I told ya that I know
the date, and I'm three times more certain of it than I was when I told you it was impossible that it was wrong.

All evidence concludes that David C. Pack is a bald-faced liar.

When someone pays attention to what he says, writes it down, and then reads it back later, that person is a devil-driven enemy of God attacking the church. But when someone teaches 1,200 people while claiming God's name and authority to preach 82 failed dates for the return of Jesus Christ, that person is an apostle and God's only true mouthpiece.

Come on, now. Which one of us here has any real credibility?

Hey, Brad or Ed…. Would you care to take that on?

I didn’t think so.

Being split 50/50 between two dates nine days apart is not “exactly.” Knowing a season of the year is not “exactly.” Any other lunatic could proclaim a season of the year and have a 25% of eventually getting it right.

David C. Pack knew what he was doing when he twisted his words to hold up the flag of “that’s true” when what he said was not true. Not even a little bit.

Dave makes a case for Pentecost with another pointless list, allowing the dark spirit that is moving him to inspire his suspicion. Yikes.

Part 514 – May 25, 2024
@ 1:14:29 Is that when God would raise Elijah? Would He raise others to power? The world first sees God’s power on Pentecost or Sivan 1?

@ 1:31:04 So, if you were me, if if you were I, you you would you would be suspicious of Pentecost ‘cause one a two things is true: God is He either wants to hit Pentecost or come near it.

False prophets also like to come near a target without needing to hit it exactly.

David C. Pack proves what a colossal waste of time it is for him to spend hours locked away in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium with Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy foolishly crafting stupid lists that do nothing and mean nothing in 3…2…1…

@ 1:31:35 Virtually every point proving Sivan 1 can be tweaked to fit Pentecost equally.

Mic drop.

The Pastor General of The Restored Church of Another god continuously ignores the implications of the words that fall from his lips. He cannot seem to perceive that which is beyond his nose. Unless someone places their hands on the wooden walls of the Main Hall. That he can see from across the room.

Dave made the point exemplifying that every single list he had ever conjured could be “tweaked to fit” anything else, making them of zero value and utterly unremarkable.

David C. Pack is wasting his time. He is wasting the time of the RCG brethren. And the passive, gutless husks at Headquarters permit his madness to continue unabated. Shame on the lot of those desolate hirelings.

@ 1:33:47 We can pray for the first date. I'm very, very, very suspicious and I have a I told ya I had a 133-points. There is way more than what I told you. I’m very suspicious of the latter. Godspeed either. Good night.

There you have it.

Jesus Christ will return on Sivan 1, but it is equally possible for Him to return on Pentecost. A 50/50 shot is for cowards at the roulette table and false apostles like David C. Pack.

David C. Pack spilled the beans. But do not eat them. Like everything he offers, they are poison.


David C. Pack’s List Fetish


The Butterfly Defect