Why this website?
I was baptized in September of 2009 while attending the United Church of God. I left that organization to begin attending The Restored Church of God in July of 2012.
Due to my extensive video production experience, I was invited to move to the RCG Headquarters in Wadsworth, Ohio, to become a member of MPS (Media Production Services). I short-sold my house in Oakland, California, and moved to Ohio in November of 2012.
I was a Headquarters employee of The Restored Church of God until March of 2021.
Being a huge supporter of this organization still headed by Pastor General David C. Pack, I gave “my all” financially, emotionally, and physically. The literature was amazing. The World to Come program on YouTube was interesting and delivered with clarity. The Headquarters Campus was beautiful and expanding. The people were talented, friendly, happy, and striving to live God’s way.
On the Sabbath of January 24, 2015 that all changed.
David C. Pack delivered a 6-hour / 3-part message titled, “First a MOSES, Now ELIJAH—130 Proofs!” In these sermons, he declared himself to be Elijah the Prophet of Malachi 4:5-6, and then later, “That Prophet” from Deuteronomy 18:15-20. By doing so, he removed a title of Jesus Christ but “promoted” Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong to that of “like Moses” as to not upset all those with a Worldwide Church of God background.
The content of all these messages were so disturbing, I lost sleep three nights in a row. This was my first “spiritually traumatizing” RCG experience. I counseled for over 90 minutes with two ministers regarding my deep concerns. I came with my Bible and David C. Pack’s own literature to press my case. I left that meeting feeling relieved and hugged both men as I walked out the door. They got me to see it their way.
However, before I reached my truck in the parking lot, I was already back to my original position. I spent the next several months studying the matter in my Bible. This was counter to the advice of the Headquarters Pastor who to me to “let it go” and to “not study” this topic. The more I looked into my Bible and the RCG literature that had been “retired,” but also started paying more careful attention to the message given by DCP, the more I was convinced his teachings were fraudulent. The Elijah teaching was a grave and serious error for the entire organization. Nobody else seemed to care.
For my own edification, I began to note his wild assertions, odd teachings, and the failed dates of Jesus Christ’s return. As the Series grew longer and more incomprehensible, my notes of his quotes grew page after page after page.
Flash forward to six years later. RCG has gone completely off the rails. DCP has a documented history of prophetic failures and back-and-forth teachings.
I resigned from RCG in March of 2021. My first attempt at resignation was by handing my letter to Bradford Schleifer with Dr. Timothy Ranney standing beside me. I did not want to leave, but felt I had no choice. Those men talked with me for hours. I agreed to stay on and counsel with the Headquarters Pastor, Kenneth Orel.
These men were kind, thoughtful, and supportive. I got the sense they really cared about my well being. I did notice that my primary points for leaving were not being countered. I wanted to stay, but if my mind was unable to accept RCG as it was and the direction it was heading, I could not with a clear conscience take the Passover with them.
I stayed employed two more weeks, but resigned the second time by leaving my resignation letter on Bradford Schleifer’s desk before office hours. This time it stuck. I received a phone call from Ken soon after. It was the last communication I ever received from him. (Not even a “checking to see how you are doing” email. Nothing from him to this day.)
Staying in Wadsworth, Ohio, I found another job for a few months. I kept quiet and did not follow the teachings of David C. Pack after that. UNTIL I got word that he had set another date for the Feast of Tabernacles in 2021. The Last Great Day was going to be the day Jesus Christ returns. Another date of failure was set.
Being a reader of the Banned by HWA blogger site for over a decade, I commented on an article that was already posted. To my surprise, that comment became its own article on the main page.
Months later, I commented again. And again, this was placed on the main page.
A dear friend of mine who was still attending RCG eventually resigned. The next day, I joined the Wadsworth Neighbors private group on Facebook and posted this:
I am a former employee and former member of the Restored Church of God. If any of my Wadsworth neighbors have any questions…Please let me know, I’d be happy to answer.
As of writing this, there are 899 comments on that string.
Dawn Blue of How It’s Done on WCTV invited me to be interviewed on camera at the WCTV studio here in Wadsworth. I agreed.
I began to write articles for the Banned on HWA website. The owner told me, “Whatever you write will get posted.” Then, I joined the private Ex-RCG Facebook group to connect with others.
Since becoming a more public voice, the necessity arose to have a place for consolidated information regarding The Restored Church of God and David C. Pack.
This website is the result.
Dawn Blue & Marc Cebrian at the WCTV Studio in Wadsworth, Ohio.
A gift from Mr. Dale Schurter. It’s the only yellow truck I have now.
The HQ Campus became the focus, not preaching the gospel.
DCP’s Sermon Series became the focus, not preaching the gospel.
2010 Ministerial Conference. Faces from the past. How many are left?