David C. Pack’s List Fetish
June 1, 2024 | by Marc Cebrian
Pastor General David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God has an insatiable list fetish.
Update: Watch his list fetish in action during “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 516)” on June 8, 2024.
The world’s most prolifically ineffective false prophet, false apostle, and false teacher cannot stop himself from creating comically long and perfectly worthless lists that make temporary points supporting foolish conclusions.
Let your imagination run wild with which definition more aptly applies to him.
– a form of sexual desire in which gratification is strongly linked to a particular object or activity or a part of the body other than the sexual organs.
– an excessive and irrational devotion or commitment to a particular thing.
– an inanimate object worshiped for its supposed magical powers or because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit.
Whether he calls them points or proofs, hands them out, or waves them franticly in the air, there are not enough pages on the planet that will ever prove that David C. Pack has any idea what God plans to do or when Jesus Christ will return.
But that does not stop him from trying.
Flashback Part 511 – May 4, 2024
@ 1:00:24 You know, I made a list of Iyar points here. I had quite a list for various reasons.
Iyar came and went without incident, proving the usefulness of that list.
@ 1:00:48 I’ve got like 117 points I made here. It’s impossible to have a kingdom of a month in front of two kingdoms.
Flashback Part 512 – May 11, 2024
@ 1:39:12 I have 150-160 proofs there are two kingdoms.
How can you tell when a fetish becomes an addiction requiring professional treatment?
Flashback Part 391 – September 3, 2022
@ 1:24:53 I’m not lazy. I worked as hard as I could. I go to bed 12-1-1:30 [AM] every single night. I'm almost never in bed before 12, and I’m working on all just Greek, Hebrew, lists, piles, papers all over the place.
See. David C. Pack is not mentally ill, folks. The guy just needs to get some sleep.
Flashback Part 395 – October 1, 2022
@ 38:42 I’m gonna show you it’s impossible that this is wrong. If it’s wrong, it’s only because we have the wrong year. Believe me, and you’ll agree long before I get through about 66 proofs here.
When a list fails to become accurate, it is easier for David C. Pack to blame God rather than himself.
Flashback Part 409 – December 10, 2022
@ 18:38 The only way we go further if Christmas and all the proofs were a ruse by God to throw us off. And all the things that point to Sunday, including logic, were a ruse by God to throw us off. Then, there is no Mount Everest. We just built one, and it's a mirage. And God deliberately, with two long lists, threw us off.
The creation of lists denotes David C. Pack’s inherent specialness. It is a frightening thing to consider that if it was not for him, these lists may have never existed.
Flashback Part 413 – January 4, 2023
@ 17:03 I promise you, nobody has ever written down the list I'm about to fire at you like bullets out of a machine gun. But, I’m just gonna tell you, no one was ever led to do it.Flashback Part 421 – February 18, 2023
@ 43:50 I’m gonna give you, basically, 16 proofs of how long the Kingdom of Israel is with a twist.Flashback Part 435 – April 15, 2023
@ 36:04 Now, I can’t make this day come sooner, but I will lock it in your mind. There’s no way outta this. …14 points down. 17 to go.
David C. Pack cannot teach about the return of Jesus Christ or the coming of any kingdom without clutching onto his precious lists.
Flashback Part 441 – May 6, 2023
@ 41:01 So, the Day of the Lord has to be, has to be November 6th starting the night of the 5th. You can’t argue with it. I’m gonna give you many more proofs of that in a moment… And then, I’m just gonna overload you with proofs.Flashback Part 446 – June 3, 2023
@ 21:32 Now, if you just accept that (and I’ll give you more proofs), then the Kingdom of God has to start on Tammuz 1. It’s impossible. I’m gonna give ya many more points.Flashback Part 461 – July 29, 2023
@ 28:39 Now, as I lay out this absolutely stunning proof to you, I’m not gonna tell you. I’m not gonna tell you when the Kingdom comes.@ 29:04 You will absolutely know and know that you know, and nobody with a machine gun to your head could convince you it's other than what I'm gonna show you. All questions are gonna be dead and buried long before we get through this list.
The problem is not with the lists, the points, or the proofs. The problem is that David C. Pack is just wrong, in addition to being incompetent, inept, and arrogantly feeble-minded. This does not stop him from spending his time generating list after list after list.
Only fools believe what David C. Pack says. He is a bruised reed, and anyone who leans on his words will have it go into his hand and pierce it. Woe to all who trust in him.
Flashback Part 471 – September 30, 2023
@ 1:43:41 I just don’t know. And I’m not here to tell you the day. I’ll never do it again. I’ll never do it again. …So, I’m gonna… read a dozen points on a list as to why tonight is a possibility because everybody in RCG will be tonight because this is one way to see it.
The man cannot learn his lesson or hold to his promises.
Flashback Part 512 – May 11, 2024
@ 07:25 But, I know when the Seven Year Kingdom begins. The very day. Absolutely. I know it… I’ve got 50 proofs of when this happens. I absolutely know and know that I know and know that I know that I know.
But a few days later, not so much.
Part 514 – May 25, 2024
@ 1:13:42 I told you I knew exactly when this was, and that’s true. I know it’s in Spring. But… I’m dead down the middle 50/50 whether we’ve got a 12-day wait or 21 minus some hours.
Knowing the very day, absolutely as sure as he knows his own name was NOT true. David C. Pack lied again because it is not just what he does but who he is.
He may have spilled the beans on his latest theory, but wait for him to squirm away from both dates as they approach.
Sivan 1 begins June 6 at 8:56 PM ET.
Pentecost begins June 15 at 9:01 PM ET.
The countdown clock is ticking on exrcg.org.
A list of David C. Pack’s fetish list pattern:
1) Get suspicious.
2) Compose and teach a list of proofs.
3) Focus on a Holy Day, the Hebrew calendar, any biblical event, or a New Moon.
4) Repeat how inarguable the list is, and the presumptive conclusion will never change.
5) Declare sharp, absolute statements when the date is far away.
6) Begin waffling and walking it back as the date approaches by dropping hints of uncertainty.
7) Feel incredibly uncomfortable, but hide it from the brethren.
8) Create new twists to dull the edges of his assertions or discredit them entirely.
9) Bitch and moan about how hard prophecy is to figure out.
10) Play the victim card and boohoo over the perceived attacks by perceived enemies.
11) Finally, the doubts held in secret are expressed while proclaiming that everything is still right on track.
12) Just before the date fails, make CAD send a surrender announcement with promises of a more exciting and better future because God has provided Mr. Pack with a new understanding.
13) Brag about how he knew nothing was gonna happen afterward.
He has repeated this pattern for 11 years. This is the pathetic template of a spiritually bankrupt organization known as The Restored Church of God.
David C. Pack is the living fraud in charge of that black hole of mental disorders, which is suffering deeper financial problems than they let on.
David C. Pack has been publicly displaying his list fetish for a long time. One of his most famous lists was the 134-point Many Questions God Answered from 2016, which publicly addressed all the other Splinters groups in the HWA Church of God community. Download the PDF if you are in the mood for a laugh.
As it turned out, all the brethren would not be back together that year or anytime soon.
David C. Pack, Coffee Kid, and Pepper Boy's efforts are so vital to a Christian's salvation that they often distribute a handout for the brethren to study. Until a few days later when that teaching is abandoned.
To experience the torture of being a member of The Restored Church of God, download this Part 156 handout from 2019. It is twelve legal-sized pages with a small font and narrow margins.
No matter what list or handout is provided, the passage of time proves the trivialness of it all.
The failures of Sivan 1 and Pentecost are just over the horizon and are staring at us with perfect certainty. If I could put money down, I would bet not even non-critical thinker Edward Winkfield believes either of those dates will produce anything of substance.
The Restored Church of God Headquarters Campus is like a mental hospital with only one patient: David C. Pack. Everyone else there knows he lives in a fantasy world of his own creation but plays along to pacify him with nods, wide-eyed smiles, and repeating, “Oh, yes, Mr. Pack. That list of proofs was very powerful.” Barf.
He is the only one there who believes what he says…but even he has his suspicions.
Flashback Part 513 – May 18, 2024
@ 50:49 But, I want you to see how easy it is to prove it’s Trumpets in the Bible.@ 1:17:50 That’s a powerful [40-point] list.
@ 1:19:40 Instead of Trumpets, is there an entirely different way of looking at the mysterious date we’re waiting for? I have 133 points…that say Yes.
Only a disgruntled antichrist would dare remind anyone of the following quotes at this most inopportune moment.
Flashback Part 383 – July 23, 2022
@ 25:01 Now let’s look at one of the most powerful proofs not only of Trumpets but that it has to be, has to be Trumpets this year or we have a three-year wait.@ 21:45 It has become absolute heresy to reject that the Day of the Lord comes on the Feast of Trumpets.
David C. Pack rejects the Day of the Lord coming on the Feast of Trumpets and is labeled a heretic by David C. Pack. No one else needs to raise a hand against him because he does it to himself.
David C. Pack has other men carry his heavy briefcase over-stuffed with insignificant notes, proofs, points, and lists. The physical weight of them contains perceived value because of his list fetish, but the content endures far less than vapor.
Part 514 – May 25, 2024
@ 06:26 About three weeks ago, I created a document which I called “Sivan 1.” And a lotta points on it. About 60 different points that …pointed to Sivan.@ 58:37 I had prepared an unbelievably powerful list of things, page after page, single-spaced, and eventually, I distilled them that pointed to Pentecost for the start.
One list points to Sivan. Another list points to Pentecost. Oh, the conundrum.
You could almost feel bad for Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy slaving away in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium as they frantically type, highlight, compile, prepare, and file endless lists week after week after week as their youth and sanity slowly bleed out of them.
Do not hold too much pity because they choose to continue wasting their lives doing so. They see what I see. And more.
David C. Pack says everything you need to hear to know whether he speaks the truth or not. If the brethren of The Restored Church of God paid attention to what he said and believed him, the reality of the need to flee the vile corruption of that sad, hollow organization would be crystal clear.
Observe David C. Pack invalidate his list fetish with two simple statements.
Flashback Part 513 – May 18, 2024
@ 1:20:04 I just proved it's Trumpets, and there's no way it's Trumpets…Part 514 – May 25, 2024
@ 1:31:35 Virtually every point proving Sivan 1 can be tweaked to fit Pentecost equally.
The members of RCG do not hear David C. Pack when he says what perfectly illustrates the tragic futility of all 514 Parts of “The Greatest Unending Story!” and underlines the emptiness of their doomed hope for his accurate guidance.
And he cannot hear himself either. Those two sentences undermine eleven years of lists and handouts. They also evaporate the value of spending hours and late nights creating, editing, presenting, and teaching lists in the future.
He has said it. Dave can disprove by proving, therefore proving nothing. He can tweak something to shift to something else. His points are pointless.
List fetishist David C. Pack can now be translated into plain English:
I can create a list to prove or disprove anything.
No list actually proves or disproves anything.
Any list can invalidate any other list.
God did not inspire David C. Pack to create any of his inconsequential lists. They are merely figments of the presumptive imagination of a twisted, corrupt mind. History proves this with 100% assurance.
A list of 40 items pointed to the Feast of Trumpets.
A list of 60 items pointed to Sivan 1.
A list of 66 items pointed to The Last Great Day.
A list of 133 items pointed to Pentecost [2024 version]
A list of 16 items proved the length of the Kingdom to Israel.
A list of 117 items disproved the one-month Kingdom.
A list of 150-160 items proved there are only two kingdoms.
That is but the tiniest sample of David C. Pack’s list fetish in action. When a fetish becomes a life-damaging addiction, it is time for an intervention by mental health care professionals.
The mouth of David C. Pack declares all his lists moot. He would be well served to take his unprofitable lists and put them to good use by tossing them into the fireplace. Those countless hours of toil could be used to generate a few moments of warmth rather than a decade of idle misery.