Love Waxing Cold in RCG

Jessica Brown | October 18, 2022


A former member of the Headquarters Congregation wrote this in the Ex-RCG Facebook Group. It is being posted with permission.

The Last Great Day has ended, and once again, the brethren of RCG are now returning to their homes after being told for the 3rd year in a row they would not be returning home from the FOT.

I woke up this morning with a pain in my heart, knowing many are going to feel sad and confused by everything, yet they will be unwilling to leave because there is "nowhere else to go.”

There is a place to go. In fact, there are many places one could go and worship, even if that place is your own home for a while.

But some will be stubborn and hold on, thinking DP will eventually be inspired to "get it right.” I personally used to think this way, and I've also heard other members voice those words.

The problem is he will never get it right because if he did, the scriptures would be broken. God cannot speak through a man who has so clearly deviated from sound doctrines and changes teachings every week. A man who has become completely self-willed in trying to discover when Christ will return. He is a man so filled with pride that he cannot take a step back and apologize for all of the confusion he's caused in RCG. Instead, he will point the fingers at others or at God, and the cycle of failed predictions will continue in the coming months and intensify once again when the spring holy days arrive.

At what point will people say, "enough is enough?"

I have so many dear friends still in RCG who are the stubborn types that probably will never leave, and it makes my heart hurt to know that they are STILL clinging to the false teachings of a man and not proving for themselves whether DP is a man of God or not. It leads me to believe I've forever lost these friends to a raging false prophet and that they will start becoming even more imbalanced in their thinking as the teachings become more strange. And because of the environment becoming more harsh and unmerciful, especially with their new rules implemented at the FOT this year, some of the members are going to become more hostile and cold towards those who have left RCG due to the failed prophecies. Talk about "love waxing cold.”

It's beyond frustrating, and I feel powerless watching this happen and not being able to do anything to help the people I care about. I can only stand by and wait for God to intervene and put an end to the confusion.

Sorry for the long post. I just felt the need to get that off of my chest because it has been making me feel extremely depressed. I've been doing my best to hold on to the hope that this out-of-control prophetic train will soon be stopped and people will wake up.


RCG Exit Story: Jessica Brown


An Open Letter to the RCG Ministry