Is RCG Strapped for Cash?
August 5, 2022 | by Marc Cebrian
Despite "how well" The Restored Church of God is reportedly doing per recent comments by both David C. Pack and Bradford G. Schleifer, there could be some cause for major doubts.
You now have a limited time to gain a piece of church history.
EDIT: There is an offer pending as of August 11.
For the first time since the Campus was built, the Restored Church of God is selling one of the homes. This one is located at 799 Hartman Road in Wadsworth for $269, 900.
799 Hartman Road, Wadsworth, Ohio - $269,900
I want to stress that this is 8 out of 10 on the Shocker Scale for a turn of events for The Restored Church of God. They have never sold a property before. I cannot help but wonder if this is just the first.
If you would like to see the listing, visit the M. C. Real Estate website. (No, that is not my side business in case you were wondering.) You can also find it on Zillow.
For our first interview back in May, Dawn Blue researched public records and compiled a list of all the properties that The Restored Church of God owns. You can link to that document here.
Public records show that the house was purchased in 2014 for $117, 500 and sits on 1.72 acres. It is a very nice place. I have been inside many times. You might want to purchase it just for the rich history and cocktail party conversations you would have about it.
Dennis, do you have $270k lying around?
This is a total reversal of the Manifest Destiny trajectory David C. Pack has been going on since 2011 when the first lot across from Giant Eagle was purchased.
This raises a host of questions, but I have no answers. What is the motivation behind this? What is going on inside RCG? Are they planning to sell off more?
Dave, since you are a fan of either/or, here is a binary question for you:
Do you WANT to sell the property or do you NEED to?
Listing this on the market now is a faithless act since Jesus Christ needs to return by Sunday to get to your “not-really-a-50-day-count” to Trumpets.
And we are all still waiting to hear about the “slight change” to your epic craptacular.