Smoke and Mirrors

June 29, 2024 | by Marc Cebrian


Theological illusionist David C. Pack took another one on the chin when the Kingdom of God did not arrive at The Restored Church of God Headquarters Campus on Pentecost, June 16, 2024.

After spending 4 hours and 16 minutes waving his long, powerful lists in the air proving Pentecost 2024 was the day Jesus Christ would return to pat him on the back with a world-witnessed attaboy, the Pastor General flinched in the concluding 63 seconds to extinguish all his momentum by prognosticating his own inevitable failure.

It was a little bitch move.

Predictably, Dave later clung to that thin lifeline of being right about being wrong for the 82nd time since March 2022. In advance of Pentecost, an anonymous email from Church Administration blessed the brethren with another “my Lord delays His coming” declaration.

During "The Greatest Unending Story!" Part 519 on June 20 and Part 520 on June 22, David C. Pack pushed on by dissolving the past and recycling his notes, promising a brighter future.

But that is a cheap parlor trick consisting of smoke and mirrors.

Jesus Christ Brings the Kingdom of God
July 7, 2024
Sunrise on Tammuz 1 at 6:02 AM ET

A brief summary of Parts 519 and 520 is for the skimmers:

•  Pentecost was “a shadow” of Tammuz 1.
•  Tammuz 1 is the new date that was declared through careful implication rather than declaration.
•  The Kingdom comes in summer, not spring.
•  The falsely imagined New Moon on the 10th of each month was abandoned.
•  Midst of the Years is when three types of years intersect.
•  David C. Pack has logged over 25,000 hours of Bible study during the Series.
•  David C. Pack’s enemies are mocking.
•  RCG members leave because they do not believe God.
•  Herbert W. Armstrong was not a false prophet, so David C. Pack is not a false prophet.

David C. Pack is the most insecure narcissist you will ever meet, who consistently shrinks away from a date as it approaches because he knows the truth: Dave doesn’t know Jack.

Expressing a medical-grade learning disability, Wadsworth's resident false apostle, false prophet, and false teacher walks in the same circles, repeating the same mistakes. Even though nothing but depleted checking accounts occurred on Pentecost, the prophetic bungle still had a bright side.


Part 519 – June 20, 2024
@ 00:04 Well, here we are. You’ll learn why I thought we would be. All the complicated or maybe should say complications and gymnastics of how the Kingdom could arrive on Pentecost (the tenth of a month) are over.

This smoke and mirrors introductory wordplay obscures two embarrassing points Dave did not want to admit: 1) Brethren will learn why Dave thought they would be there instead of why he was wrong. 2) The New Moon he invented on the tenth of each month to force the circle moed into the triangle slot Pentecost was immediately abandoned.

@ 00:24 I can’t describe just, from a personal perspective, the peace this brought when I discovered (well, discovered it several days before Pentecost), I I was suspicious at the end of the week. I spoke on Tuesday. I’d been suspicious for a long time, but what finally came to bear is what will come out today.

Like when Dr. Strange lamented that the warnings come after the spell, David C. Pack confesses his hidden doubts about his own teachings after it is too late. Instead of NOT teaching something he was troubled by, the self-centered hireling pushes through his discomfort to preach it anyway. Brethren be damned.

David C. Pack’s state of mind and well-being broadcast which spirit drives him. The brethren still attending The Restored Church of God reading this right now should seriously consider which being they are supporting by giving this spiritually bankrupt organization their money. You KNOW Dave is a false apostle, yet you stay because you value the social club aspect more than holding fast to what you know to be true.

Your continued attendance and financial support promote religious madness. You already know this. If you think God will step in and push what your eyes and ears already tell you, then you are playing a smoke and mirrors game with yourself. You reap what you sow, folks.

After Dave was warmed up, his Pentecost confessional became less opaque.

@ 33:43 And we know, as I knew all along, but then Pentecost kinda fogged in for reasons I’ll will explain. We’re looking for a New Moon. It’s pretty simple. You know I’ve been suspicious for over a month about various dates. But, again, I’ll just say, a shadow got in the way [chuckles].

It is not Dave’s fault. That pesky Pentecost shadow fogged things up.

@ 41:15 One thing bothered me about Pentecost, and I didn't know what to do about it. It was it's it's still in spring. We need a New Moon that’s in summer.

And just like that, one prophetically timed season snaps to become another. The Pentecost backpedaling continued in Part 520 with obvious sleight-of-hand excuses.

Part 520 – June 22, 2024
@ 17:02 And and so, I thought because of so many verses on dawn I’m gonna show you I thought, “Well, maybe it is Pentecost.” Rather than, it was a shadow.

@ 1:29:17 It's very important for the picture of what was seen on Pentecost. We we know that it carries many elements of shadow. Now think. Here are some of the areas of shadow. And I got confused near the end because I thought, “Well, okay, it has to be a great day. Pentecost is a great day.”

@ 1:29:51 And so it's I I I I'll hope you'll excuse me. I'll excuse myself for getting confused. I wish I hadn't.

David C. Pack is quite generous when it comes to forgiving himself. His most merciful leniency is reserved for when he looks in the mirror. Not so much for those he would like to see cast into the Lake of Fire.

All of his rationale for why nothing happened on Pentecost is just verbal smoke and mirrors.

With an uneventful Pentecost in the rearview mirror, it is time for Website Services to strike these from Member Services:

Flashback Part 514 – May 25, 2024
@ 1:13:42 I told you I knew exactly when this was, and that’s true. I know it’s in spring.

Flashback Part 517 – June 8, 2024
@ 40:15 It would almost be an act of deception by God to lay out all of this and say, “Sorry. Fooled you. Joke’s on you.”

@ 1:09:59 In fact, could we even learn that every 10th of the month, goin' backwards and forwards forever, is a New Moon?

This fleeting New Moon heresy was conjured by a mentally corrupt sorcerer and his whipping boys in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium. The wooden walls encase a perverse think tank where biblical truth is twisted to death.

Flashback Part 518 – June 11, 2024
@ 49:32 All those things began to build up in my mind, and I think God was preparing me for years to come to understand the 10th, but not until it was we were ready.

David C. Pack's Pentecost 2024 failure proves God was NOT preparing him for years to understand this. The lying false apostle's plain words accuse himself, and the RCG brethren will not hear it. He tells everyone what they need to hear to judge whether he speaks the truth or not.

@ 1:29:50 This is some of the deepest things of God I’ve ever been blessed to teach.

Time exposes that there was no blessing and the doctrines were not from God. Yet, the picnics are sometimes fun, so keep paying this man to lie to you, brethren.

David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God holds up his lists during Part 519.

David C. Pack shows off his list from Part 519.

During Parts 519 and 520, David C. Pack’s list fetish was fully engorged as if waving his worthless and partially recycled lists provided any credibility since all the previous lists failed to produce accurate results.

David C. Pack holds his lists up before the entire congregation, and he strikes the rock with promises that water will burst forth. But none ever does. During Old Testament times, that would have justifiably been stone-picking time.


@ 39:04 Now, we’re gonna examine dozens, actually scores of points, and it’s time to get it right.

@ 56:15 I don’t know how many points. I got about 60 points here, and we've covered 6. So, we’re about a tenth done.

About an hour into Part 519, he is only on Point #6. I left RCG three years ago, but I still feel that sinking internal cringe of anticipating hours more of pointless suffering in the Main Hall meat locker. Brethren endure countless ruined Sabbaths at Headquarters in The Restored Church of God. That is lost time, and we will never get back.

David C. Pack admits something that should embarrass everyone in RCG in 3…2…1…

@ 1:20:06 Now, there are some [Tammuz 1] points that roll right over from the Pentecost list.

His proofs can be swapped between differing conclusions, illustrating their flexible worthlessness.

David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God holds up his lists during Part 520.

David C. Pack shows off his powerful list from Part 520. One of three.

Part 520 – June 22, 2024
@ 42:09 But I told you, the list of things I’ve been looking at for a long time was that long list, and over time, it kept growing.

When God charges a chosen servant to relay vital information to His people, it is God's responsibility for them to get it right the first time. David C. Pack adopted the “trial and error leads us closer to success” philosophy, which may work in entrepreneurship but is proof of false leadership in prophetic theology.

The Bible gives anyone a single chance to prove God is backing them. David C. Pack was revealed to be a prophetic fraud on August 30, 2013. He is forever invalidated, and nothing biblical will happen on July 7.

David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God holds up more lists during Part 520.

David C. Pack shows off his powerful list from Part 520. Two of three.

David C. Pack was never commanded to hit the rock, talk to it, or drop it on his foot. No water will ever spring forth. He was not sent, yet he ran. He rushes to call out lunacy with his arms waving in the air.

His endless lists will never produce fruit. Compiling, reading, and holding them up is a smoke and mirrors technique devoid of substance that is no more valuable than the hot air that blathered them.

David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God holds up even more lists during Part 520.

David C. Pack shows off his powerful list from Part 520. Three of three.

When brethren flee The Restored Church of God, they do so because they have proven from the Bible that David C. Pack is false. They know the cowardly enablers at Headquarters willfully support their human idol with feigning lips, spreading wickedness with lying tongues.

That truth is distorted through smoke and mirrors.


Part 519 – June 20, 2024
@ 11:36 We know that 90% 90% of Israel will blow it off. That’s why I I I’m often comforted when I see people who understand this [7-Year] Kingdom is set up, and no other church on the face of the earth has or ever has, does or ever has understood it. They’ll just blow it off, and I I, and I don’t take it personally. I know they just simply don’t believe God.

Dave absolutely takes it personally. Former ministers tell many stories of him getting incensed when someone openly disagrees with him in the most minor matters. David C. Pack’s Greatest Hissy Fit during Part 430 is an appropriate reminder of how Dave reacts to indifference.

@ 12:21 You know, we have modern scoffers today. We know they’re gonna be scoffers in this Kingdom. They just don’t believe.

We do not believe you, Dave. You are a documented hypocritical liar and blasphemer.

@ 22:34 And I we have people leave us all the time. [chuckles] Many come in, but we have people leave us all the tuh. They absolutely want nothing to do with what God tells them to do.

It is easier for him to accept people leave because they disregard God rather than he is wrong.

Still deceptively beating the drum that he is not a false prophet by being born again as a staunch Elijah-denier (wink wink), he gives the unpaid field mollusks more quotes to hide behind when quizzed.


Part 520 – June 22, 2024
@ 1:36:13 Apparently, the Series, in some way, prophesied. If it if you prophesy again, then you prophesy again. I I do not claim to be a prophet. But why people all believe That Prophet would first be human?

@ 1:36:45 John the Baptist. “Are you That Prophet?” He said no. If somebody asks me, I’ll say the same thing. I won’t I I I won’t claim to be a prophet.

His insatiable ego craves biblical specialness so desperately, Dave wishfully projects the accolades of the brethren in 3…2…1…

@ 1:36:53 “Well, you should, Mr. Pack!” Well, maybe I should, then, pray for me because I’m not gonna do it. Was it inspired preaching?

That is like a man adamantly asserting he will not commit adultery after having already committed adultery. History on the internet is hard to erase, Dave.


@ 1:37:56 Either way, prophesying or inspired preaching would seem to add credence to Tuh to Tammuz. I mean, tell ya, you you you judge what you think my words are.

David C. Pack's words are neither prophesying nor inspired preaching. His prophet denials are smoke and mirrors tricking new or amnesiac brethren.

The self-appointed apostle is so woefully inept he never considers the implications of his own words. David C. Pack is screaming to the members of The Restored Church of God that God is not guiding him, nor is he moved by the Holy Spirit to preach what he does.


@ 1:43:42 'Cause this, remember. If you wait, if you wait one month, boy, that’s it for eternity. You think that didn’t weigh incredibly heavily on me. I mean, it was it was one of the most stressful periods of my life trying to put all this together. I’ll just say that. …So, but I’ll just tell ya, you know, when when you when you when YOU settle on a date, you are settling on an eternal date. You don’t want that pressure on you. I promise you.

An authentic, inspired spokesman for God would not feel pressured because the man is not settling on any date. He is only conveying what God already chose. The pressure is on God to get it right, not the human conduit. A faithful end time messenger would not feel such stress about what God is doing because God is doing it, not him.

This demonstrates David C. Pack does not believe God is revealing this to him, but the self-assigned mouthpiece has to “figure out” what God wants. That is the fatal flaw in believing he can receive an utterance from God without actually hearing an utterance from God.

David C. Pack does not believe David C. Pack because nobody should.

If you think he does not take reasonable opposition personally, ask yourself why he keeps the victimhood card in his back pocket. Anyone who reminds Dave of what he said is counted as an enemy.

@ 1:44:14 You have no idea how many of our enemies are sitting out there mocking what I took on there nobody else even saw. You have no idea.

From what others tell me, plenty of RCG brethren have an idea because they read these articles on and Banned by HWA. Yes. They have a pretty good idea, Dave. Hi, Brad.

Dave then builds the most colossal straw man argument while standing behind the dead shadow of Herbert W. Armstrong of The Worldwide Church of God.


@ 1:44:28 Nobody thought Mr. Armstrong was a false prophet when he thought the Millennium was the First Kingdom. He wuddn’t a false prophet. You could ask, “Was he?”

Dave offers a series of plastic questions that are apples to oranges comparisons. Hollow questions about the Millennium, the New Heavens and New Earth, and the Day of the Lord are carefully worded because they focused on WCG doctrines, NOT date setting.

His warped logic is easy to discern and is pure smoke and mirrors. Non-critical thinkers like Edward Winkfield may accept it all at the surface level, but that smoke is so dilute you can see the huge cracks in the glass.

It is topped off with more woe-is-me, where Dave finally admits why he relied so much on smoke and mirrors techniques during Parts 519 and 520.

Part 520 – June 22, 2024
@ 1:45:36 He had 59 years. I had under nine years working alone with ferocious opposition. And boy, if I if I don’t tiptoe just right you you you just can’t even believe. You can’t even believe.

David C. Pack had to tiptoe just right due to ferocious opposition. Like all the servants of God in the Bible had to. He is a one-man show doing this on his own steam, brethren. Hear him when he tells you that.

The righteous are as bold as a lion. Biblical frauds tiptoe with verbal smoke and mirrors.


Tammuz Trifecta


The Elijahn Wink