It’s A Secret

January 20, 2023 | by Marc Cebrian


Shush. David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God is holding onto a secret. At the end (for real, at the end) of “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 414),” he teased a big reveal was on the horizon.

Part 414 – January 14, 2023
@ 1:39:40 And you cannot argue with the sheer massive proof I’m gonna lay on you next time that Elijah rises before February 10th.

  But he did not do that. David C. Pack is not a man of his word? Whaaaaaaaaat?!

  He must have left those notes at home. During Part 415 on January 17, he neglected to present the sheer massive inarguable proof about Elijah rising in February. Oh, well.

  He still managed to fill his time with wall-to-wall words, speaking with a passionate volume for 94 minutes exuding tones of certainty about two other recycled tidbits. A reasonable person could boil down his major points within twenty minutes and be just as conclusive. But Dave likes to pad and over-explain.

  Per Part 415, these happen BEFORE the Day of the Lord on March 22, 2023:

The Kingdom TO Israel period is back, baby.
The resurrection of 100 billion people is back, too, baby.

  Beyond this, the rest of the message is a significant display of verbal white noise. And errors.

The people who attended the Headquarters Winter Social must have been atwitter about the Elijah-period bait, fully anticipating Part 415.

  They are quickly learning the updated staples for a spiritual diet: Prayer, fasting, meditation, Bible study, and disappointment. That is the RCG way.

  The big question everyone wants to know is: When shall these things be? Well, Dave is not telling.

Part 415 – January 17, 2023
@ 31:47 I said on Sabbath we’re not waiting 27 days. So, let me put it this way, now we’re not waiting 24 days.

  He talks for 94 minutes and refuses to ever spit it out.

@ 48:47 So, it’s not weeks or months. It’s days. How many? I know. I know exactly when this happens, and you're gonna try to get it outta me, and I won't tell you. It’s the last thing I’m gonna say because this is explosive stuff. I absolutely know, and my assistants know, and they're not even gonna tell their wives.

  He meant the last thing NEXT time. Not today, you believing blockheads.

  Dave told his wife, though. Apostle's privilege.

  Over ten years of failed prophetic dates, and NOW he is being coy. When he finally does reveal his new circle on the calendar, how many gasps from the audience will you be able to hear? My guess: none.

@ 1:22:07 But, that’s horrible days. So, there’s days in front of that. I know how many, and I'm not gonna tell you yet. It's not important.

  If something is not important, you do not bring it up while telling people you know what it is. If it is not important, there is no need to withhold it, either. You just say it and move on.

  This not-important secret tease is audience manipulation to give the impression the Pester General knows EVEN MORE knowledge than what he is sharing. He uses a slimy tactic to puff himself up with empty ideas that contain no substance. He suggests more wisdom without having to prove it.

  This tactic works on kids, by the way.

  Oh, he certainly has a date in mind. He has the numbers. He has the scriptures to back up his assertion, no doubt. But he needlessly drags it out to build false excitement. Or maybe he is stalling again.

  All this drama will lead to nothing more than unimpressed shrugs. Declaring another date is not a miracle.

@ 1:22:27 I’m quite certain I know. The Bible is most plain. We know all the other spaces. We're gonna know that one, and I absolutely know it.

  Neener neener nee-ner.

“Okay, Dave. I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Tell me which it is.”

 “I know but I’m not gonna tell you yet. It’s not important. I’m quite certain I know. I absolutely know it.”

 “Prove it.”

 "I have to go pee."

  During Part 416, want to guess how much time Dave will eat explaining something “not important?”

  Dave provides a lot of humor when you peer at his words from a particular perspective.

  He loves proving how much he knows without actually saying it. He loves explaining how inarguable his proofs are without presenting them. He loves anticipating acceptance of his teachings as fact before revealing what they are.

@ 1:23:09 So, this much you know. It’s at least three and a half days. So, I guess you can take that much off of February 10th. God help all of us to be ready.

  God help you if you believe him.

  Make no mistake, Dave talks plenty about what Elijah will do. Since Dave is Elijah-Elect, that is important to him. But WHEN it starts is left as a secret. For…reasons.

@ 31:42 I wanna talk about what happens in a period before the Kingdom of God…now we’re not waiting 24 days. And you won't have any doubt of that after the first point, and I'm gonna give you probably about 50 or 60, just not all of them today.

  Will this new list spoil faster than the other 60-point list pointing to a Tevet 21 Day of the Lord?

Part 414 – January 4, 2023
@ 34:36 Is there a way to make all those 60 points agree? Eventually…they have to agree because the Bible never contradicts itself.

  Dave contradicts the Bible. The Bible contradicts Dave.

  Lists have not served the members of The Restored Church of God well in the past.

Part 409 – December 10, 2022
@ 18:38 The only way we go further is if Christmas and all the proofs were a ruse by God to throw us off…Then, there is no Mount Everest. We just built one, and it's a mirage. And God deliberately, with two long lists, threw us off.

  A ruse by God. The Mount Everest mirage. Two long lists by God designed to throw off RCG.

  This blasphemer shows no fear of God. Perhaps Dave begs on his knees in private for forgiveness because he certainly does not do that from the lectern.

  Throughout the history of The Restored Church of God, the time and effort to compose the lists and then to teach them are pure folly. The utterly worthless points are compiled by a desperate man with the help of compromised lackey sycophants. Being more precise requires a $5 word: myrmidons.

Part 415 – January 17, 2023
@ 32:02 So, this has all come clear. God, in His mercy, gave us Abib 1 and 40 days in front of it.

Another colossal example of David C. Pack’s piss-poor reading comprehension skills ensures a future walk-back. The first point on the updated 60-point list is a private interpretation of Ephesians 5:14-16. It does not bone him as severely as his misunderstanding of Habakkuk 2:2, but it slots right underneath.

  Dave says there is a resurrection of 100 billion people before the Day of the Lord.

@ 16:26 Are we beginning to get a hint that all Israel is here before God and Christ are? Not just a generation. All of them? Is that possible?

  Whenever he poses questions like this, the answer is always yes. Since his god likes to hint rather than guide correctly, the signposts are clear.

@ 47:42 A prophet [Elijah] explains God’s plan to everybody since the Garden. Adam and Eve will be listening. A voice. The voice of the Seventh Messenger tells all people…everybody you could imagine who ever lived.

@ 1:01:58 You will meet all the saints before you meet the Father and Christ. You’ll also meet Abraham Lincoln before you meet Abraham. And before you meet God and Christ.

  How did he draw these conclusions?

  If I were a minister in The Restored Church of God, I would be so ashamed. This is that bad.

Ephesians 5:14-16
(14) Wherefore he says, Awake thou that sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. (15) See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, (16) Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

  By misreading that verse, Dave discovered the dead will rise INTO evil days, so they must be resurrected before the Kingdom of God arrives.

@ 36:01 …when you stand up from being actually dead into evil days, it cannot be the Kingdom of God.

  This is not what the text says. Dave mistakenly assumes all three verses speak of the same subject: the dead. However, a slow and careful reading of ALL the words exposes the truth.

  Perhaps hitting the windshield in the car as a child damaged Dave’s brain more than he knows.

  He completely misunderstands who verse 15 is talking to. Not the dead but the living Paul addresses. The reward for those asleep is light given by Christ. So, therefore, we (the audience) should not be fools but be wise.

  Dave's piss-poor reading comprehension misses words like "See THEN that YE walk…" This signifies WHO Paul is talking to after referring to a resurrection.

  The dead cannot walk circumspectly. The dead cannot redeem the time.

  That seems pretty basic, and I am no Bible scholar. To get that so wildly wrong is beyond embarrassing.

@ 37:58 “Mr. Pack, are you saying that over a hundred billion people are here before God, Christ, the Kingdom, and the Temple, and all those things you described are here?” And I’m gonna answer, Absolutely. And I’ve only given ya one point. I’ve got about 25 today and 35 more...

  We might be forced to conclude that David C. Pack is mentally challenged. But that would insult mentally challenged people. Dave is undoubtedly deficient in vital ways necessary for a preacher of righteousness, and yet, the people of The Restored Church of God continue to let him spew this nonsense, and they lap it up.

Not one minister dared to raise his hand, “Excuse me, Mr. Pack. Are you certain that scripture isn’t speaking of two different groups? Verse 14 is talking about the dead who will be resurrected as a learning point for those who are alive during the current evil days referenced in 15 and 16?”

“Nah. It’ll be fine.”

David C. Pack is a literary halfwit. The man is incapable of reading plain words right in front of his nose. He then builds a construct of foolishness based on that. Why can an antichrist serpent more wicked (almost) than the devil see ALL the words in the verses, but Elijah-Elect cannot?

He so believed his own delusion he earlier sold his shocking discovery as absolute.

@ 34:30 Some of what we’re gonna be covering is some of the most stunning understanding that you can possibly imagine. Simply stunning understanding, and it’s inarguable.

  The simply stunning understanding that is so inarguable is based upon his inability to comprehend what he reads. That is no joke. That is what is really happening with him.

  There is some seriously catastrophic blindness at work. It cannot simply be chalked up to stupidity. Yes, he is a biblical moron and a prophetic idiot, but at least he is trying really hard. He is trying, brethren.

  Dave built the foundation of his theory on sand. You do not need roaring waves to knock it over.

  After he misread one verse, the others fell like dominos distorted by the same error.

@ 36:34 John 5 says, “All that are in the graves” rise in the same hour. So, all who’ve ever lived rise and go into a period of evil days before the Kingdom of God. Now, I'm gonna prove this in dozens, and I can quote scores of verses, and you'll understand what a horrific, tremendous, horrible battle this was.

  This battle was already lost, and he had only just begun.

  You see where he came from, where he was heading, and how he got there.

  The Ephesians 5:14-16 fiasco does not fit into David C. Pack’s Gallery of Stupid, but it broadcasts where the Spirit of Error has taken up residence and is throwing a huge party.

  And that is no secret.


2023. For Real.


Enemy P.R.