RCG’s Flat–World Theory
May 8, 2023 | by Marc Cebrian
David C. Pack reiterates that time is short and the world cannot last one more year. During “The Greatest Untold Story!” Parts 439 and 440 last week, this concept was repeated. If your heart flutters in panic, be advised he has been trumpeting this for over a decade.
The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God does not have his finger on the pulse of reality. It is too busy pointing at glassware.
He sure loves his theatrics. Boldly proclaiming absolutely definitive statements. Loudly. Presenting perceived certainty. He is the expert on what is impossible, inarguable, and can never move.
Well, until it does because he moves it. He argues for what is possible because he had more time to find the hidden verses that appeared in the Bible once the invisible ink wore off.
Then, his sheepish alter ego steps up to the plate, pushing all the other mumbling voices out of the way to poke his head out of the sand to hesitantly stumble through an obligatory ‘pology.
David C. Pack broadcasts who and what he is to the RCG brethren. The content of his character is on full display. The wise among the RCG members take note and take action.
Reviewing my notes again after the heart-felt ‘pology revealed just how excuse-laden that message was. Including these extra gems felt like kicking someone already down.
After a good night’s sleep, my leg felt rested.
Part 439 – May 2, 2023
@ 1:03:08 It doesn’t absolutely even say all of them die. It looks like the pronouns suggest they do because, wow, I mean, look at this stuff. Look at the way they talked. Look at the way they act.@ 1:09:14 I finally understood this. Wow. Look at this. This’ll tell ya about God. He just suddenly. When God’s gonna remove the mystery, then He’s gotta show me things. Things I read right past for decades.
When Dave makes an excuse, his grammar skills sometimes take a nosedive.
@ 1:13:49 But, God says, relatively speaking, ready? Relatively speaking, all Israel will be saved. That’s different than what–I often saw that verse.
In Part 440, errors are addressed like he is confessing a fault. But in Dave’s mind, mistakes are admitted with a humble attitude because he is “too” whatever. He works too hard. He cares too much.
Part 400 – May 3, 2023
@ 29:41 So, I probably made too much of it as I was learning about these Kingdoms. I didn’t know what I was dealing with here with these four kingdoms.@ 32:02 So, some of that, maybe I searched a little too hard to figure it out.
He talks too much. The Series is too long. The enablers fear him too much. The brethren give him too much leniency. He is too full of himself. He is too wrong, too often, too many times to be legitimate.
Those who thought Pentecost would be a pivotal moment in the Kingdom structure need to get with the program. That was so five days ago. Literally, five days passed between Part 438 and 439.
See if you can spot the bait-and-switch approach. Part 439 was the bait. Part 440 was the switch.
Part 439 – May 2, 2023
@ 1:01:28 Well, over the next months, we're gonna have new moons. We're gonna have a whole bunch of sabbaths. We’re gonna have Pentecost together. There’s no way I can imagine, can’t even fathom we can get past Pentecost…Maybe the second Passover, which starts in a few days.Part 440 – May 3, 2023
@ 1:13:24 Let me tell you why Pentecost, Pentecost could never be, could never be the start of the Kingdom of God. I’m gonna explain why it’s impossible.
This is funny because Dave must have stumbled across his forgotten notes from Part 253.
Flashback Part 253 – May 26, 2020
@ 1:54:28 Let me tell you what God would never do. He would never arrive on Pentecost. Never.
Or maybe he read the article from last week when I reminded his cronies about it.
Part 440 – May 3, 2023
@ 1:13:34 I wish I’d thought about this in the past.
Brad should put me back on the payroll. Or he should slip a 3x5 card into Dave’s briefcase advising him to listen to Parts 253, 254, and 269. Remembering the past diminishes making mistakes in the future.
Perhaps there are other things Dave already said that he now wishes he had thought about before. I realize that sentence is a paradox.
@ 1:13:38 Once you know there’s one year between iterations of the Kingdom, you’ll understand. To understand that is to know that it is impossible that we go from one Pentecost to another Pentecost.
Pentecost is the only Holy Day based on a count, not a set date. And Dave just realized that last night.
There are now more “reasons” why it does not work for Dave’s version of thinking. Remember that for next year. He needs to stop recycling the same days every year. It is beyond boring already.
@ 1:13:54 …because Pentecost had an attraction to it.
@ 1:16:03 Impossible. It took me a while to understand that. So, get out of your mind that Pentecost could ever, ever be the beginning of the Kingdom of God.
Dave will find a way next year. You can count on that. Pun intended.
Things must be souring in The Restored Church of God for David C. Pack to bring up church growth. Not only did he bring it up, but he followed up and then dwelled on it.
Part 438 – April 27, 2023
@ 1:48:50 Lemme tell ya another reason why I don’t see how we could have another year. We’re living in a society (I now know) so perverse and growing worse, I understand why for us to just sorta stay flat in our growth is difficult. Two-thirds of them wouldn’t respond if there was a kingdom and they heard a giant voice around the world.@ 1:49:37 Ten, fifteen years ago, we'd have two, three families with two, three, four kids come with us. Sometimes in a day. But now, you never see families anymore. People don’t want children. They celebrate not having children.
The reasons families do not come to RCG is because of selfish cultural attitudes? That logic is broken. If parents have children, they are a family. Some not wanting children has nothing to do with those who do and stay away from RCG. That theory about being sorta flat is faulty.
World conditions are tanking RCG’s ability to grow. Apparently. I spent years at Headquarters watching it shrink. This was after The Night of Long Knives period in 2014 when the Campus buildings were mainly completed. Dave initiated a “house-clearing” of members involved in the construction efforts. Lay members and ministers left a lot of blood on the tile during that time.
Carl Houk’s family was the biggest addition to Headquarters during my entire time there. Some people were shipped in from the field when Wadsworth grew thin. Local individuals floated in and out. One guy kept coming to Sabbath Services with his Bible in a Ziploc. I knew he was not a long-hauler.
Overall, Headquarters would “sorta stay flat” until someone was poached from a field area and inserted. A few others would marry in. But, all I ever heard from the lectern was how “the Work is booming.” Flat growth was NEVER a part of the RCG language. They must have kept that hidden.
It seemed like this topic was exhausted until Dave had more time to stew in it.
Part 440 – May 3, 2023
@ 04:37 Now, we tried to carry out the Work in this environment…we try to do the Work.
I wonder what “Work” Dave is talking about. As he later admits, there is no new literature, and what is on the website is outdated. He has not released a new The World to Come since December 2017. Despite the appealing graphical upgrades to their social media posts, no cohesive campaign is taking the world by storm. The sermon media department person has released two new videos in the past twelve months.
The Restored Church of God has become a David C. Pack Sermon Production operation. Tithes, offerings, and donations pay Dave to sit and talk so he can pay the staff to sit and listen.
That is their primary focus. That is their primary effort.
“The Greatest Unending Story!”
IS “the Work”
of The Restored Church of God.
You fool yourself by thinking otherwise.
To be fair, when Dave says “the Work,” maybe he meant the efforts to suck Common out of new people who stumble across the website. New First Love funds keep the Campus on life-support.
@ 04:50 I remember when we would get 1-2-3 families every day come with us. Not even all stay, but they would come with us….Now we're lucky if we can get a handful of actual families: husband, wife, and children each year. And it even affects the overall growth and environment of the church as the older people leave…It even impacts the warmth and the natural kind of love and brotherly love, of course, love of God, too, in the church.
Whether the elderly die or stay, “love” has waxed cold in RCG. It is a repeated theme pointed out by those who have left. Jessica Brown wrote a touching article on this very topic.
The lack of love. The abundance of fear. That is the climate of The Restored Church of God.
@ 05:32 Now, we're very faithful. We're not Splinters. We're not wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked, or anything like that. But, I'm just saying it affects us as the older people keep dying at an ever faster rate among us.
Listening to Dave whistle a new tune every time he talks for five or six hours a week cannot help anyone's health when you needlessly add stress, confusion, and frustration to the experience.
@ 05:47 And the worse it gets in the world, the more attractive the devil's world becomes to people. And that's why I've explained a lot of our young people want the devil's world, the worse it is. So it's very difficult to grow. It's very difficult for us to grow. This kind of trend would deeply affect our ability to function in just the next one year, should time continue.
This should be a rude wake-up call for RCG brethren. As admitted by the Pastor General, the outlook for next year is not good. Since time will continue no matter how Dave reinvents the wheel, the “ability to function” should be a concern.
@ 06:20 It's very difficult to find people out there who are candidates to be Called in this life.
@ 06:44 So we're trying to function at a time when, you know, just hopefully, the attractiveness of the Truth will bring people with us. And in this vile generation, that just isn't enough.
He persists with his "flat growth is the world's fault" theory. The people are too rotten for God to work with. There is no other possible answer. Is there?
After ten minutes of world news brought to by Oh Noes!, Dave circles around to flat growth.
@ 16:28 We grew consistently at 20% up until 10 years ago. Since then, we struggle to stay flat.
I wonder what catastrophic event happened to RCG in 2013.
@ 17:29 We're the only True Church on earth. And we're small. And we're not getting bigger. We're just staying pretty much flat. Up a little bit one year, down a little bit. Sometimes a little better or a little worse. It just, that's pretty much where we are.
My seasoned Consulting Former Minister stated, “If Dave is willing to admit flat, it means they are in decline.” Sources confirm that in meetings, Dave will hear the numbers he likes and cannot hear the numbers he does not like. Until it becomes an issue. The flat numbers must be an issue.
Flat is just code for a decline in denial.
@ 17:47 We fell off a cliff about 10 years ago. And so, there's a reason for that. And I've wrestled with why. Why?
Dave’s best theory is to blame world conditions for RCG falling off a cliff ten years ago. If he were a student of his own history, it would not be a mystery.
God’s People Back Together—SOON!
Due to the technological marvel known as the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, anyone interested can read the original article released on March 15, 2013.
Posted: Friday, March 15, 2013
New Article: “God’s People Back Together—SOON!”Announced earlier, the most important and conclusive article I have written to the Worldwide Church of God splinters has been posted! I promise this will be the single most crucial one you will ever read. If you do not read it all, it will be the worst decision you have made since God called you. Believe this!
If there were just one book or article I have written that you could be compelled to read, this would be it. Start it, and you will almost certainly go on to read (and study) it multiple times!
God wants His people together. A detailed and powerful prophecy reveals that He is planning to bring it about. This article introduces how and why God’s people—every last one—will SOON be back together!
David C. Pack
This was the first of twenty-five very public Friday updates that lasted for months. The Final Announcement on August 2, 2013, failed to inspire mass defections and Laodicean repentance from members of UCG, COGwa, PCG, and LCG.
The brethren of The Restored Church of God were left alone to be quietly embarrassed by the first and biggest prophetic failure of David C. Pack’s career. As the Bible points out, the first one is make-or-break.
Elul 24
August 30, 2013
At sunset on Friday, August 30, 2013, David C. Pack officially became a prophetic fraud. On Thursday before lunch, he tipped off the Headquarters staff that he did not believe anything would happen. We were instructed to tell no one. Spouses who were members were okay, but they were not to share beyond that, as church-wide comments would be made on the Sabbath.
Part 440 – May 3, 2023
@ 17:47 We fell off a cliff about 10 years ago. And so, there's a reason for that. And I've wrestled with why. Why?
The theory that transgender children are the root problem has flaws. In 2013, David C. Pack publicly outed himself as a false prophet to never again be taken seriously. The ten-year-old cliff is explained at last!
@ 17:58 Now, part of it is I'm not able to do broadcasts…it does coincide somewhat with my need to kind of huddle up in a closet and figure out what God is gonna do. I got given a charge I never went looking for, and I wouldn't wish on anybody…I think we (maybe) would grow a little bit if I could get back. I can't even find time to write Coworker Letters…I don't see any path to another year for many reasons. And let's see if we can get through what I believe (honestly) is the last message that I will give. If we're here on Sabbath…
Time for the lightning round:
His sermons ARE the Work of RCG. No broadcasts and no letters are the results. The First and Second Commissions are brushed aside. He will NEVER "figure out what God is gonna do." He will find a path to another year because another year is coming. Part 441 proved this was not (honestly) the last message, and we are still here.
I have begun to post videos of Dave lamenting, “If only I had more time,” so when the anniversary comes around, he can prove himself ad nauseam to be unreliable and untrustworthy. After seven years and six months, he continues to provide even MORE self-condemning proof.
@ 55:02 But if I had time and we went on another year, I would change our literature. I would give graphs and all kinds of things for the brethren to go to…I don't have time. I don't have time to write Member/Coworker Letters. But I would…I'd do telecasts about it. 440'd be the end of the line as far as the Series. But nobody would have any doubt that this is right…I've written 81 books and booklets. I'd certainly write some others and correct what we have. I haven't even had time to go back and fix our literature. I'm sure that isn't helping our growth. As people come and say, "That's not what I heard him say in broadcast number whatever. 126 or something." And I don't have time. I can't fix it. I would if we had more time, but nobody wants that.
Only one person at Headquarters remembers how WTC broadcasts were produced. Trust me, that guy sweats a little when Dave threatens to return to the Media Center Studio.
Rest easy, buddy. It will not happen.
David C. Pack’s theory that RCG’s growth is flat due to world conditions falls flat.
Things are not rosy outside the window, but that is not what keeps people from beating down his behind-the-closed-gate door.
Dave is his own worst enemy. His never-ending and ever-changing prophetic chaos is choking the life out of the brethren who are left. He is a walking contradiction sitting in confusion.
RCG fell off a cliff ten years ago when David C. Pack proved to the world he was a false prophet. It is too bad his own trajectory in decline can only be seen as being flat.