The Restored Church of God & David C. Pack EXPOSED

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The David C. Pack Tapes — #28 “Common”

October 22, 2022 | by Marc Cebrian

When it rains, it pours.

In an interesting turn of events for the Restored Church of God Whistleblowing industry, recordings of meetings with David C. Pack have reached my inbox.

Since my time at Headquarters, I had forgotten that it was common practice among particular ministers to have voice recorders rolling while in meetings with David C. Pack. This included, but was not limited to, ministerial Bible studies and one-on-one conversations. The purpose of these recordings was to accurately document what was said by the Apostle so that his will could be adequately implemented by the men under his command.

The wisdom of Pastor General David C. Pack is like gold falling from heaven and was meant to be preserved. And preserved on this website, they shall be.

William H. Behrer, III, was already a Headquarters Director when I came to Wadsworth, Ohio, in late 2012. The generosity of him and his wife, Jackie, was legendary among the brethren. They helped provide for my financially-struggling coworker by bringing him lunches from time to time. His hardship was not known even though he sat six feet from me. But the Behrers knew, and they cared with action.

They also had a good reputation in The United Church of God, where they attended before The Restored Church of God. Mr. Behrer and I knew people in common inside UCG. He was cordial, patient, and polite. Everyone knew Bill Behrer was a well-liked and gentle man.

That was a stark contrast from the “hatchet man” reputation he had at Headquarters. The staff knew that if Mr. Behrer came to your workspace and wanted to go for a walk, it was bad news. That is how people were fired for a few years in RCG: Mr. Behrer comes by your desk, and you walk out. You do not come back. I accepted this because he was in the corporate structure of RCG, and somebody had to do the firings. I did not know at the time how much he hated doing it.

Mr. Behrer was a man under authority and a team player. Nobody could fire you in a more comforting way.

David C. Pack made William H. Behrer, III, the RCG Hatchet Man. He was the enforcer who did Dave’s dirty work. That dynamic was lost on me since I was a new lay member at Headquarters who did not question how “God’s Government on Earth” functioned.

Mr. Behrer left RCG Headquarters in July 2014. Later, he was reinstated into the ministry and pastored the Albany, New York congregation.

The Behrers eventually left RCG in the fall of 2016 without looking back.

Mr. Behrer worked for years as the Executive Director of the America-Israel Friendship League. According to his wife, he worked until six days before he died. The man was found so doing.

William H. Behrer, III, died of pancreatic cancer on the afternoon of September 14, 2018.

Kevin Denee wrote a touching article on LinkedIn to honor his dear friend.

“As I wrestle with the hole in my heart, I also reflect on what made Bill so special to me and to so many others. He was one of the most genuine people in this world. Anyone who knew him would say the same.”

Now that you are up to speed, here is the kicker:

Before Mr. Behrer died, he entrusted a few people with audio recordings of meetings with David C. Pack.

I find it fascinating that a man dying of cancer felt strongly enough about recorded conversations with David C. Pack that he did not want them to fade out of existence. When you listen to the content, you will understand why.

To honor the intent of Mr. Behrer and with the blessing of Mrs. Behrer, this first six-minute clip is a Common strategy discussion that was knowingly recorded in April of 2012.

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#28 - DCP Discusses Common Strategy with WHB in April 2012 David C. Pack — The Restored Church of God

The audio has been edited to remove identifying elements that would disclose who Bill and Dave are talking about. The man who is the subject of this conversation did not know it existed. His side of the story will be addressed after the transcript.

For context, the Headquarters of The Restored Church of God moved from One Park Center to 1000 Ambassador Drive in May 2013. The Hall of Administration was the first building constructed, but there were already plans for a Mail Building and a Media Center. Tithes and offerings would not provide enough funds to make the RCG Campus possible.

Enter the doctrine known as "Common." This is what still drives the RCG financial ship today. The perverted “sell all” teaching is a David C. Pack distortion of Acts 2:44. Tying this “commanded” doctrine to salvation has helped pressure brethren to give generously throughout the years.

Common is what built the RCG Campus, and Common keeps the RCG Campus afloat today.

In this clip, David C. Pack is advising Mr. Behrer on how to get promised Common funds from “Jim,” who was selling property. When the name “Fenske” is mentioned, that references Jim Fenske of Knoch Corporation, the construction company that built all the buildings on the RCG Campus.

There are no Netflix bombshells, corporate secrets, or “this is illegal” gotcha moments. However, it is a deep dive into the mind of David C. Pack when his guard is down. He is far less concerned about teaching blatant manipulation or coaxing others to lie for the benefit of The Restored Church of God.

Yes, David C. Pack instructs William H. Behrer, III, to lie.


DCP:…If ever there was a doubt, Fenske's numbers removed 'em. Yeah, I know we're gonna get his number down, but we're not gonna get down to where we were. We're gonna get down to where we can make the payment, and bye-bye Friedly.

WHB: Yes.

DCP: And it gets a little better if if Jim puts a hundred and a quarter in. But here's where you are with Jim. And I wanted just to kind of revisit things. There's some other perspectives spiritually, Bill. You have to speak both as a pragmatist and a shepherd. As a spiritual mentor to a young man who, like you said, "This is why I know God brought me into the Work 'cause it's corrupt out there."

WHB: ‘Cause that was part of my comments as well. You know, Jim, let's think about this now.

DCP: Yeah. Yeah. God brought you, but you know, you have to be careful. You said you were gonna give it. You have the liquidity. Now let's go back to something. If you want to show faith, you don't withhold the money you promised to give. And that we for eight months expected, and now more than ever, you're seeing evidence we need it. You wait for one of your properties to sell.

If your thing is, you're not willing to believe that God's gonna take care of you on that land, you're you're not willing to believe, you're not willing to live without a house if He didn't. ‘Cause, that's two options. Live in a condo or believe that God's gonna put you in the house. You're not willing to believe either. Either to do one or believe the other. You wait for some money outta [redacted] to build your house, and you convert that.

WHB: Yes.

DCP: You don't take that liquidity we desperately need. It's blowing up our ability to compute in decisions. So, and here's the other thing. Bill, boy, these are subtle things. Just go slow till you hit all of them 'cause I know you. You're a master at this. And I've learned more about you, Bill. That's why I tell you I don't wanna change you. I don't care what your weaknesses are. I have weaknesses. I try to hide my weaknesses, alright? And you, you're getting better anyway.

But, I will not reduce you or me or Kevin or anybody to going hat-in-hand when we need it. You said you were gonna to give it and it; You're not giving it, you're paying it. It's a command. There's so many things wrong with this, and this is why you have to show him, "Jim, on what basis could Mr. Pack believe if you do not give this, that you're going to give the the condo for the house in [redacted]? Why?” “Well, because we'd have enough for our house.” “But he's even told you that you're gonna [phone buzz]. He even said we'd put you in Rayburn's house. But you turned away. You'd be the you and Scott would be the first two over there. Surely you believe Rayburn's house with that view's better than a condo.” If and both were conceived as temporary.

But if one was, but it was not gonna be temporary, surely you would want the contiguous home against that backdrop versus a condo. If you're gonna have to continue to stay, and you didn't say anything.

WHB: Yes, Sir.

DCP: And you're ready to hold that. You see my point?

WHB: I do. I do

DCP: There's no there's there's not one or three or five or seven comments that have to be brought up. This is layered. And and okay, let's even say you're gonna keep the money. Some of the money. You kept it all. You can't keep any of it. Yet you you can keep enough that you meet expenses that eight months ago you didn't think you'd have to meet.

WHB: Right.

DCP: That's reasonable and natural.

WHB: Yes.

DCP: But now he's still going to if he if he. Here's the way here's the way you put it. This gives him no place to feel discouraged. He will be discouraged, and at part of it, he should be. But he's gotta know he is not in my doghouse. And the only way to do that, I stress this, Bill, the only way to do that is, "This is me talking to you, Jim. I know I'm a minister, and I'm your boss, but I'm a friend, too. I'm just telling you, don't go away thinking Mr. Pack doubts you. He has no doubt. He's absolutely adamant you're gonna come to see this. That there's no way you'd make that promise in Israel and eight months later not keep it. That you're gonna hear all these meetings. You're gonna see the Fenske numbers. This is Mr. Pack saying. In just telling us, ‘Don't worry, Jim.’” Jim and [redacted] will come to realize they reneged.So he believes you're gonna give it." So, because he's gonna somebody's gonna say, "You doubt me, and you know." You'll spin it.

WHB: My my purpose in my direction.

DCP: And you say, "No, no, no. That's the whole point. We don't. Mr. Pack doesn't doubt you. But I have concern 'cause I know in April in May, it's all coming out of the sheet, everything." Because he now will believe, "Wait a minute, they really aren't going to give this, and there's no way we can count on it, and it now has to drive financial decisions. It's gonna become an embarrassment in there. And Mr. Pack didn't pull it out now 'cause he's so adamant you're gonna give it." I mean, it's just strategy, Bill. We'll catch him with guile.

WHB: Sure.

DCP: I don't know if he would've given it in April, but I'm trying to give him a way to feel good in my presence.

WHB: That's that's my my my whole purpose is at the end of the conversation, he's gonna say, "Okay, should I just write a check or should I get a cashier's check?" And that it's gonna be all his, he's gonna feel that he's put all the pieces together, understands it, and it's come out and said, "Yes. I I really that's what I want to do.”

DCP: And let…Boy, oh boy, do I hope so because these numbers from Fenske.

WHB: Oh, it’s just ridiculous.

DCP: And and when they're front-loaded. [whistles] It gets tight.

WHB: Absolutely.

DCP: And Bill, we're not having a good April.

WHB: We're not?

DCP: It is not. No, we're not.

WHB: Let me turn this off here.


Before offering an analysis of Dave’s words, it is fitting to understand that “Jim” thought the entire conversation was pointless. He was never going to “renege," and the money promised to RCG was contingent upon the sale of their property. That property did eventually sell, and Jim gave RCG what was promised.

He is not bitter today, even after leaving RCG, because he gave the money to God, not David C. Pack. I also gave my Common to God and not David C. Pack. The peace that comes with that viewpoint cannot be explained.

To Mr. Behrer's credit, he never followed through with Dave’s instructions. The conversation with Jim never happened because Mr. Behrer knew it was unnecessary. He was letting Dave vent and then opted to take a more patient approach, knowing “the young man” was a man of his word and would follow through without prodding.

Only Mr. Behrer knows how many times he endured Dave’s pontification to just let the hot air dissipate. I know other ministers who adopted this same method. Dave will give detailed, micro-managing instructions, and the men will ignore him or significantly alter that course of action. They recognize wisdom when they hear it. They recognize foolishness when they hear it, too.

Bradford G. Schleifer takes the same approach today. I have witnessed him using “the Dave filter” to smooth over the sharp edges of information. He does not lie but paints with a broad, glossy brush. Ed, Ryan, and Dr. Ranney have also benefited by following suit.

CYA is the RCG way at the HOA.

The enablers on the Executive Team operate with this understanding. Give Dave "just enough" to "feel aware," but not too much that he would want to meddle. Say something the wrong way, and you could fall into a snare bumming out everyone involved.

Brad is the one who really runs the day-to-day show over there. The RCG machine runs smoother without Dave, and everyone on the third floor knows it.

Brad oils the gears. Dave sprinkles sand on them.

These conversation comments give a glimpse into the thinking of David C. Pack, the Pastor General of The Restored Church of God.

“I have weaknesses. I try to hide my weaknesses, alright?”

I was taught we were to overcome our weaknesses. Hiding a weakness does not address the problem but only masks it from others. Weaknesses should be conquered so we can be better, stronger, and more effective as we develop in life.

Even though this was ten years ago, he carries the same philosophy today and, in many ways, has gotten far worse. Dave does not need to improve because that is for the little people. He can easily sit you down for 90 minutes and explain how you can overcome your weaknesses but then get up and walk out, hiding his own.

Dave is not as good at "hiding his weaknesses" in his old age as he used to be. Now, he has no problem exposing them to everyone in the church. Watching his deterioration over the past several months is a testament to that. What he freely admits in a sermon today would have been cut out two years ago.

What a great example of “Follow me as I follow Christ.” God’s Apostle hides his weaknesses. Maybe that should be another pillar on the RCG logo.

“But, I will not reduce you or me or Kevin or anybody to going hat-in-hand when we need it.”

So much for a humble attitude. He sees it as a reduction to ask someone for money because they need it. He wants the money and strategizes for the money, but he wants to save face while doing it.

His conversation with Mr. Behrer is entirely about using manipulation to guilt someone into giving Common, so they do not have to "ask" for it. Again, the whole conversation was moot because the giving was a foregone conclusion to the man they were discussing.

"…stress this, Bill, the only way to do that is, 'This is me talking to you, Jim. I know I'm a minister, and I'm your boss, but I'm a friend, too.'"

Talk about manipulation. RCG ministers are “not allowed to be friends” with lay members. Unless they are a big fish with money to be gotten. Then, the minister is your friend who will speak softly and hold your hand. But once you lay the money on the bedside table, they'll be out the door while you are in the shower.

This example, and deeper into the conversation, shows how Dave uses the men under him as meat puppets. Their mouths open, but Dave’s fingers are moving them. Well, that is what he wanted of them.

Dave loves to dictate precisely what men are supposed to write and what they are supposed to say. Do not think this is a unique case. I have more of this kind of stuff.

Dave touches their lips so his words come out of their mouth.

That is why these meetings are recorded. The men need "precision" when handling situations, per Dave.

Notice how he crawled inside Jim’s head and understood in advance what he would think and what he would say. Oh, the talent! He has quite the knack for this because he also does that a lot.

It is a shame that the grown men under his control cannot think for themselves.

“… don't go away thinking Mr. Pack doubts you. He has no doubt. He's absolutely adamant you're gonna come to see this…”

I did not graduate from college, but that sounds like a lie. The entire point of the whole conversation was because David C. Pack was worried Jim was not going to give the $125,000 he “desperately needed.” He had nothing BUT doubt. Otherwise, they would not be talking.

Just ask: Why would an “apostle” of Jesus Christ instruct another minister of Jesus Christ to lie to a member to get money out of them? Wow. And this was before he realized he was Elijah.

“Mr. Pack doesn't doubt you. But I have concern 'cause I know…”

I see why Mr. Behrer refused to follow through with this. Any man of conscience would do the same. Not only does Dave want him to lie to Jim, but then take the heat for the purpose of the discussion in the first place. He is asking Mr. Behrer to fall on his sword and be the bad guy in the discussion about Common.

Godly servant leadership, indeed.

If it were appropriate to extend the middle finger during this discussion, it would be right here. In a way, Mr. Behrer got the last word in this conversation even though he died first.

“And Bill, we're not having a good April.”

And there it is. The source of Dave’s concern. The motivator for teaching Mr. Behrer people skills.

But, the Hall of Administration was built, then occupied in May 2013. Followed by the Mail Building, the Media Center, and the Pole Barn. All the while, houses along Akron Road and Hartman Road were being bought and renovated. The good ole days for RCG.

Surely, Dave uttered these words again privately back in June and July of this year when he was forced to sell the house on Hartman Road so he could improve the $500,000 lawn of the 786 Akron Road fixer-upper.

Based on the content summaries that came with over 16 hours of audio files, this seemed like the best introduction to what has now come to light.

I can visualize Mr. Behrer in his casket, giggling up a storm. That is not my theology, just a funny image I cannot shake.

I am referred to as “that devil Marc Cebrian” by David C. Pack because I publish information. Not misleading information. Not wrong information. Not lies. Not libel. Ponder how accurate information condemns David C. Pack. He certainly is.

The sharpest daggers to cut David C. Pack are the words of David C. Pack. His sermons. His literature. His meetings. His conversations. The man shoots fiery darts at himself. I am just a scribe.

If anyone else has audio in their archives that they feel would be befitting of a modern-day examination, please get in touch with me at

I recognize I am poking the bear using a Behrer. Let the truth prevail.

Men of darkness fear the truth. Men of light embrace the truth. May God’s will be done in this matter.

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